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🍃 Descubre cómo preparar infusiones, tónicos y tratamientos caseros que pueden ayudarte a mejorar tu salud.

🍃 Descubre cómo preparar infusiones, tónicos y tratamientos caseros que pueden ayudarte a mejorar tu salud.

🌸 Nuestro contenido te ayudará a cuidar tu cuerpo y mejorar tu calidad de vida con métodos 100% naturales.

🌿 Conoce los mejores tratamientos caseros para fortalecer tu sistema inmunológico.

🌞 Explora más consejos de salud y recetas naturales para un estilo de vida saludable.

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What is it and how does it change your body?

You’ve seen the #goruck hashtag on TikTok. Or maybe you haven’t. CrossFitters will do twisting as part of a WOD (workout of the day) or as part of an extra workout to stay healthy. Q I like rucking so much that I named rucking as my 2024 workout.

Rucking comes from the military. Army ROTC (Reserve Officer Training Corps) cadets must complete a 12-mile foot march carrying 35 pounds of equipment, including rifles. The persecution of civilians was not that extreme. A male CrossFitter might put on 20 pounds in a weighted vest, while a female might put on 14 pounds, and a 12-mile run isn’t in their plans. Sometimes they’ll run a mile, then complete 50 squats and 25 push-ups, then repeat.

You don’t have to do CrossFit to be a boxer, either. Some people just stuff books, bricks, or weighted plates into their backpacks and go for a walk. When you think about it, if you’ve ever carried a heavy load around town, an amusement park, or an airport, you’re probably feeling exhausted. Adding weight to your body can help you strengthen your muscles, and you may also find that twisting improves your posture.

Twisting improves cardiovascular and muscle health

If you’ve ever carried a heavy backpack, you may have noticed that the backpack itself helps pull your shoulders back so you can stand in a better posture. The added weight will make it harder for you to bend forward because it will throw you off balance. Rocking helps you walk more efficiently while making your shoulders more stable. You’ll also strengthen the muscles in your back, core, legs, and glutes.

Running in a weighted vest may also improve your cardiovascular system, according to a study 2022 Articles In terms of ergonomics. People who ran on a treadmill wearing a weighted vest had a 7% increase in heart rate and required more oxygen to maintain their run. They also say it makes running more difficult. Running in a weighted vest will also cause them to burn more calories. Because their heart rates are higher, they burn more carbs but less fat during their workout.

For older adults, exercising in a weighted vest can also be beneficial in preventing age-related muscle loss. in a Learning in 2018 In the Journal of Clinical Medicine, 11 women aged 65 to 74 participated in a step-exercise program with increasing weights three days a week for six weeks. Their leg strength increased by 11%, which helped them climb stairs 9% faster.

How to start tumbling

If you want to try lark, you probably don’t need to go to the store. Any backpack will do, although the extra straps and padding on a hiking backpack may make it easier to carry heavy items on longer trips. Some backpacks are specifically designed for backpacking and even come with weighted panels that can be easily slipped into the backpack. If you use dumbbells, books, or blocks, be sure to wrap them in a towel or other type of padding to prevent them from squeezing your back. It also helps if you can keep the weight on your back higher.

Although the weights you use depend on your health, Goruk If you can walk a mile in 20 minutes, it is recommended to start with 10 to 20 pounds. If it takes you longer to walk a mile, you’ll use less weight. Your first workout can be a 2.5-mile walk, 17 to 20 minutes per mile. Next week, try running 3 miles. Do just one workout per week for the first two weeks, especially if you’re somewhat new to fitness. You can gradually work out twice a week and start walking.

Since many people are accustomed to slouching while sitting at a desk or staring at their smartphones, pay attention to your posture and balance when you start to slouch. It may feel awkward at first as your body gets used to the weight distribution on your body.

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