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Why lifting weights increases your risk of hemorrhoids (and how to prevent it)

Although hemorrhoids are rarely a cause for serious concern, they can still cause bothersome discomfort or irritation to sufferers, especially when they try to do their thing in the bathroom. Every HealthlineThere are four types of hemorrhoids: internal, external, prolapsed, and thrombosed, all of which involve swollen veins in the anal or rectal area.

There are many reasons why hemorrhoids may appear in your body. Lifting weights is probably one of the most common correlates, but that’s a bit of a misconception. It’s not lifting weights per se that causes hemorrhoids, but improper lifting form (more likely to occur when the weight you’re lifting is too heavy for you) or breathing techniques (such as holding your breath), by Good Rx Health. Other factors are related to lifestyle, including obesity, fiber deficiency or pregnancy.

As Dr. Raj Dasgupta, Chief Medical Advisor Wealth recommends healthtold Health Digest, "Both men and women can get hemorrhoids, especially if they strain during bowel movements or don’t eat enough fiber."

Are men at greater risk?

That being said, lifting weights does have some impact on hemorrhoid risk. You may not notice it, but when you lift something heavy, you’re probably holding your breath and exerting extra effort at the same time. This puts extra pressure on your organ systems (as the air in your lungs is pushed down), causing the veins in your anal area to swell. That’s why straining during a bowel movement can also increase your risk of hemorrhoids: Both can cause increased pressure in the abdomen (according to GoodRx Health).

Dr. Raj Dasgupta says that because men are more likely to lift weights than women, they are "at a slightly higher risk of developing hemorrhoids." However, he is quick to clarify: "Lifestyle choices have a greater impact on risk than gender alone." Indeed, one Study in 2021 The journal Frontiers in Surgery found that in addition to additional intake of dietary soluble fiber, beneficial lifestyle changes (such as improved hydration, consistent physical activity, and improved hygiene of the rectal area) may be helpful for people with hemorrhoids.

How to Reduce Your Risk of Hemorrhoids While Lifting Weights

Fortunately, you don’t need to stop lifting weights if you’re worried about hemorrhoids. Dr. Raj Dasgupta offers some helpful tips on preventing and treating hemorrhoids while leading an active lifestyle. "To lower your chance of developing hemorrhoids while lifting weights, avoid straining or holding your breath while lifting," says the quadruple board-certified doctor. "Use proper form, lift as much weight as you can handle, and slowly increase Intensity. Adding low-intensity exercise like swimming or biking can also help. Staying hydrated and getting enough fiber can prevent constipation, which can make hemorrhoids worse."

On the other hand, if you already suffer from hemorrhoids, Dasgupta recommends modifying your exercise program and eliminating workouts that involve lifting weights to avoid exacerbating your condition. Doctors recommend: "Focus on low-intensity exercise and help your body heal by eating a fiber-rich diet, drinking plenty of water and not exerting yourself in the bathroom." Then, as your condition recovers, you can gradually Incorporate weightlifting back into your exercise routine; just make sure you strive to adhere to proper form and breathing techniques.

By admin

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