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🍃 Descubre cómo preparar infusiones, tónicos y tratamientos caseros que pueden ayudarte a mejorar tu salud.

🍃 Descubre cómo preparar infusiones, tónicos y tratamientos caseros que pueden ayudarte a mejorar tu salud.

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What it means when you want to drink cranberry juice

Cravings can be strange, especially when they appear suddenly. Pregnant women often express strange cravings for foods they don’t normally eat, such as cheese-wrapped pickles. If you don’t usually drink cranberry juice, you may be wondering what this craving indicates.

"Cravings can be a sign of many things: Environmental cues (such as television commercials), internal cues (such as poor sleep or nutritional deficiencies, low blood sugar, and alcohol intake) can all lead to cravings," says. my fitness partner Registered dietitian Steph Tarnacki talks exclusively to Health Digest.

Tarnaki added Craving cranberry juice may be a sign that you are sick. "Cranberry juice is rich in antioxidants and vitamin C, which can boost your immune system, so if you start feeling cold, you might want to drink cranberry juice," she says. Cranberry juice also contains other minerals and compounds that your body may need, which may trigger cravings.

Nutrients in Cranberry Juice You May Be Craving

One cup of unsweetened cranberry juice provides 26% of the recommended daily amount of vitamin C and is a good source of other antioxidants such as vitamins E and K. Cranberry juice also contains vitamin B6, riboflavin, and omega-3 fatty acids. "It’s also rich in magnesium and potassium, elements that many Americans are deficient in," Tanach said. "These compounds also help relieve menstrual cramps, so if you’re experiencing menstrual cramps, your body may be craving these compounds. ”

Cranberry juice also contains flavonoids and other polyphenols, which may reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. according to a Learning in 2015 In the Journal of Nutrition, people who drank low-calorie cranberry juice twice a day for eight weeks reduced inflammation and blood pressure. Drinking cranberry juice can also lower people’s fasting blood sugar and improve insulin resistance. Those with high triglycerides had lower triglyceride levels after drinking cranberry juice daily.

Cranberry juice contains high sugar content, choose carefully

Be careful when choosing cranberry juice. If you read the label carefully, Ocean Spray cranberry juice may be good for you. Ocean Spray’s Unsweetened Pure Cranberries contain 60 calories, 9 grams of sugar, and no added sugar. Because cranberry juice is naturally sour, add other juices to reduce the sourness. The label may say "100% juice," but that could mean apple, grape, pear, and cranberry juice. Even without added sugar, these cranberry juice mixes can add calories and sugar.

Ocean Spray’s original cocktail only contains cranberry juice, but 25 grams of sugar is added to reduce the tartness of the cranberries. If your appetite is uncontrollable, you can overdose on cranberry juice, says Tanach. "Cranberry juice is high in calories and sugar, so it’s best to limit the amount to a reasonable amountTarnacki said. "Try to stick to one cup a day and choose real fruit instead of juice to get the same benefits with fewer calories and added sweeteners." One cup of cranberries has only 51 calories, 4.7 grams of sugar, but 4 grams of fiber Will lower glycemic index.

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