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🍃 Descubre cómo preparar infusiones, tónicos y tratamientos caseros que pueden ayudarte a mejorar tu salud.

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Bread with more protein than eggs

Eggs are a great way to start the day, and a little protein can help keep you full until lunch. It’s also a good idea to eat about 15 to 30 grams of protein at each meal, rather than saving high-protein foods for later in the day. Because one egg contains 6 grams of protein, you may not be meeting your protein needs if this is your only source of protein. Adding bacon or sausage only adds unhealthy saturated fat, and such processed meats have been linked to cancer, heart disease and diabetes.

The type of bread you choose can help you meet your protein needs without adding saturated fat. Instead of looking for this bread in the bread aisle, head to the freezer section to find the healthiest bread around – sprouted grain bread. Two slices of sprouted wheat bread provide 10 grams of protein and 4 grams of fiber. You won’t see fat in sprouted bread, and most breads have very little sugar.

Sprouted grain bread contains more protein than regular bread because the sprouting process increases the amount and availability of amino acids in the grain. Sprouted grain bread also provides your body with more minerals and antioxidants than other breads.

Nutritional Facts of Sprouted Grain Bread

Sprouted grain bread is a bit more expensive than regular bread because the sprouting process increases production costs. First, you have to soak the grains in water and then store them for a few days until they start to sprout. according to a 2021 review In food science and nutrition, this sprouting process changes the nutritional content of the grain, making the nutrients more easily absorbed by the body.

Depending on the type of sprouted grain, the protein content per gram can be increased by up to 10%, and the protein is easier to digest. During sprouting, enzymes break down the fats in the grains, which serve as a source of energy for plant growth. This means that sprouted grains are lower in fat.

Many plant foods, including whole grains, contain phytates, which can prevent the body from absorbing important nutrients. When grains sprout, phytic acid is broken down. Depending on the grain type and sprouting process, the availability of minerals such as calcium, iron and zinc can be increased by up to 90%. Sprouted grains also contain flavonoids like kaempferol, quercetin, and luteolin, which can help your body fight free radicals that contribute to chronic disease.

Sprouted grains are a healthier option

Two slices of sprouted grain bread won’t save you many calories compared to white or wheat bread—only about 15 calories—but you’ll get almost twice the protein and fiber and less sugar. Sprouted wheat bread also provides twice the potassium, which helps control blood pressure (eat these foods if you need more potassium). Sprouted grains are also higher in zinc, magnesium and selenium than white and wheat bread.

The nutritional content of sprouted grain bread may vary depending on the type of grain used. Some sprouted grain breads, such as Food for Life’s Ezekiel 4:9 Sprouted Whole Wheat Bread, include sprouted wheat, barley, millet, and spelt, but also contain sprouted lentils and soybeans. This combination of grains and rice makes Ezekiel bread a complete protein, meaning it contains all nine essential amino acids that your body needs but can’t make on its own. Ezekiel bread is flour-free and has a low glycemic index, which is good for diabetics.

By admin

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