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🍃 Descubre cómo preparar infusiones, tónicos y tratamientos caseros que pueden ayudarte a mejorar tu salud.

🍃 Descubre cómo preparar infusiones, tónicos y tratamientos caseros que pueden ayudarte a mejorar tu salud.

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Little-known seed extract may prevent nighttime bathroom trips

Everyone needs at least seven hours of sleep every night, but sometimes your blissful slumber can be rudely interrupted by your bladder. Although you tried to ignore it, you rolled out of bed and found your way to the bathroom, soothing your bladder. Frequent trips to the bathroom at night (called nocturia) can make it difficult to sleep, especially if you have to go to the bathroom multiple times each night.

Sometimes nocturia is caused by drinking too much fluid before going to bed or taking medications that cause you to urinate more frequently. Waking up to urinate can also be a warning sign for the prostate. according to a Study in 2014 In the Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine, pumpkin seed extract may help. The study had people take 10 grams of pumpkin seed oil daily for 12 weeks. Pumpkin seed oil reduced the number of times they had to urinate during the day and night, and reduced incontinence and urgency.

Pumpkin seed oil contains beta-carotene, vitamin E, vitamin D, and tocopherol, which may improve your overall health, but researchers note that sitosterol may improve urinary symptoms in people. Pumpkin seed oil is particularly helpful in relieving lower urinary tract symptoms associated with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).

Pumpkin seed oil may relieve BPH symptoms

Men concerned about their prostate health may already be familiar with saw palmetto extract. according to a 2023 review In the American Journal of Clinical and Experimental Urology, beta-sitosterol, a key ingredient in saw palmetto, can reduce uncomfortable urinary symptoms of BPH. 10 grams of pumpkin seed oil contains 15 mg of sitosterol. one Study in 2009 Nutritional research and practice has found that saw palmetto oil and pumpkin seed oil can also improve BPH symptoms and quality of life, and both allow people to achieve maximum urine flow.

Pumpkin seed oil may be almost as effective as medications for treating BPH. in a Study in 2021 At BMC Urology, one group of men with BPH took 360 milligrams of pumpkin seed oil twice daily, while another group took tamsulosin, a prescription drug used to treat BPH. Although tamsulosin showed greater improvement in BPH symptoms after three months, the group taking pumpkin seed oil also saw relief from BPH symptoms without side effects.

Other Health Benefits of Pumpkin Seed Oil

If you take pumpkin seed oil to help your urinary system health, you may also enjoy other health benefits. according to a 2017 review The International Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemical Research states that pumpkin seed oil contains high amounts of omega-3 and other fatty acids, which may reduce inflammation in the brain, bladder and prostate. Pumpkin seeds combined with a zinc-rich diet may reduce the effects of lead pollution and may also treat male infertility. The antioxidants in pumpkin seed oil may also protect your heart and lower blood pressure.

Pumpkin seeds and pumpkin seed oil may also have anti-cancer properties. Pumpkin seeds contain phytoestrogens, and a diet rich in these phytoestrogens may reduce the risk of breast cancer. The plant proteins in pumpkin seeds have antiviral and antifungal properties and could be used to make drugs to treat cancer. This plant protein found in pumpkin seeds, combined with certain antibodies, may slow the growth of melanoma cells.

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